September 23, 2021 to September 24, 2021
API Virtual Event
Due to the ongoing pandemic and feedback from both attendees and speakers, we have elected to move the 86th Annual API Federal Tax Forum to a virtual meeting.
The Forum is one of the only legal conferences focusing on federal oil and gas taxation and is consistently praised by participants as an excellent learning opportunity. It is open to private lawyers and accountants interested in this area and attracts speakers who are leading authorities in their fields. The topics covered at the Forum are usually selected to address both basic and advanced issues on the U.S. taxation of domestic and international oil and gas operations.
The Forum is usually organized with a general session on the first day and various breakout sessions on the second day. We also anticipate that the Forum presentations will qualify for 13 State Bar of Texas CLE credits and CPE credits through NASBA.
This will be an overview program with a group-live delivery. There are no prerequisites and no advance preparation needed for these presentations.
For purposes of CPE accreditation, the program will be a Group-Live format focused on the Taxes field of study. The sessions will be developed to educate beginning and intermediate levels of industry tax professionals after which participants will have increased their knowledge of current tax issues of specific interest to the industry as well as refreshed their knowledge of broader tax provisions that they might encounter in their work. There are no prerequisites or advance preparation necessary for the Forum and materials will be provided on site. API is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have the final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. The Forum has been awarded 15 CPE credit hours.
Registration: 202-682-8195 or
Purchase your Sponsorship Now
Pay online or request an invoice
We invite your company to support the Federal Tax Forum through sponsorship. As a Sponsor you will receive:
Prior to the Forum you will receive a list of attendees, including name/company/title/address.
Application Deadline: September 1, 2021
Artwork Deadline: September 1, 2021
Registration Fees (in US dollars)
Virtual Attendance | Virtual Fees |
API Member | $485 |
Non Member | $585 |
Cancellation, Refunds, and Substitutions
Deadline: September 17, 2021
Cancellation Fee: Less $100 of your registration fee.