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API offers more than 1,000 publications to help the natural gas and oil industry safely, efficiently, and responsibly supply energy to billions of people around the world.  Follow the tabs below to obtain them today:

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Publications Catalog

Below is the 2024 catalog of API publications, which includes standards, data products, and software. You may choose to view the full catalog or by industry segment.

2025 Publications Catalog (Full)

Petroleum Measurement

Exploration & Production




Safety and Fire Protection

Health and Environmental Issues

API Data Products

Policy and Economic Studies

Translated Publications

Historical Publications

Verify that you are purchasing API Standards through API or an authorized distributor to ensure you will obtain full, accurate, and current editions.

API Webstore

  • Contact API Webstore Customer Service at +1-877-562-5187 or via website


Intertek Inform


  • Please contact ASTM by phone at 1-877-909-2786, by email at or via website

BSB Edge Private Limited

DIN Media GmbH (Distribution in Germany)

Afnor Editions (Distribution in France)

  • Contact AFNOR Publishing Standards Section at + or via email at, or via website

Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT) (Distribution in Brazil)

  • Contact ABNT by phone at + 55 11 3017 3631, fax at + 55 11 3017 3650, or via website

Abendi (Distribution in Brazil)

  • Contact Abendi by phone at +55 11 5586 3184, email at, or via website

Royal Netherlands Standardization Institute (NEN) (Distribution in The Netherlands)

KazStandard (Distribution in Kazakhstan)

  • Contact KazStandard at +7 7172 98-06-38 (phone), via email at or via website

Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development Co., Ltd., China National Petroleum Corporation (Distribution in China)

Nimonik (Distribution in Canada)

Sky Bear Technical Standards Inc. (Distribution in Canada)

Learn about API’s software product offerings and where you can purchase them online.

Measurements Chapter 11.1 Volume Correction Factors

Quorum Software is the only distributor that is licensed by API to develop, market, and support the API MPMS Chapter 11.1 Code (Temperature and Pressure Volume Correction Factors for Generalized Crude Oils, Refined Products, Special Applications, and Lubricating Oils). This information is available in equations relating volume to pressure which contains physical data that has direct application to volumetric measurements of liquid hydrocarbon.


API Technical Data Book

The API Technical Data Book, co-published and updated annually by the American Petroleum Institute and EPCON International, is the source for the latest, most accurate technical data, methods, and standards on petroleum refining officially sanctioned by the American Petroleum Institute.


SANGEA 4.2 GHG Emissions Estimating System

SANGEA™ is an emissions estimation software tool for the oil and natural gas industry to quantify greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and standardize emissions reporting. It is based on the 2009 API Compendium of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Methodologies for the Oil and Gas Industry and US EPA Mandatory Reporting Rule Subparts C, P, W and Y, including recent updates (RY2015) to US EPA MRR reporting requirements. The software also includes US EPA AP-42 emission factors for criteria pollutants.


API RBI Software

API RP 580 is a Risk-Based Inspection document that identifies the basic elements for developing, implementing, and maintaining an RBI program. API RP 581 documents a quantitative approach to implementing RBI. Its methodology involves a rigorous quantitative assessment of the PoF (Probability of Failure) and the CoF (Consequence of Failure) associated with each equipment item in a particular process unit

The Equity Engineering Group, Inc.’s software is the only API-branded RBI software product that is compliant with API RP (Recommended Practice) 580.


E&P Tanks

As of December 31, 2018, the E&P TANKS v3.0 software is no longer distributed.

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