ICF study on the Feasibility and Impacts of Domestic Content Requirements for U.S. Oil and Gas Pipelines
This report was prepared by ICF at the request of the American Petroleum Institute, Interstate Natural Gas Association of America, Association of Oil Pipe Lines, American Gas Association, and GPA Midstream Association to provide information to the Department of Commerce and other interested parties on the feasibility and economic impacts of policies and other actions that might be implemented by the Federal government to require that the repair and construction of oil and gas pipelines exclusively use materials and equipment produced in the U.S. Specifically, line pipe, fittings, and valves for all kinds of oil, gas and other pipelines would have to be manufactured in the U.S. using steel and other materials that are made in the U.S. The purpose of the information provided here is to help inform the Department of Commerce and other parts of the Administration on the practical considerations they may wish to address as they consider next steps.
Feasibility and Impacts of Domestic Content Requirements for U.S. Oil and Gas Pipelines
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