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Use Energy Wisely at Home

Here are a few steps you can take to make your home more energy efficient, thereby reducing your heating and cooling bills, and conserving resources at the same time.

Doors and Windows:

  • Check for leaks and drafts and add weather stripping as needed.
  • Install curtains on your windows

Furnaces and Water Heaters:

  • Replace inefficient furnaces and water heaters with new high-efficiency models.
  • If buying a new furnace, do not get one larger than you need.
  • Wrap the hot water boiler in an insulating jacket.
  • Clean filters on forced-air furnaces


  • Insulate older un-insulated homes.
  • If your home already has some insulation, consider increasing the amount of insulation in the attic and insulation to floors over a basement or crawlspace.


  • Install low-flow showerheads.
  • Install a thermostat that will automatically lower nighttime temperatures.
  • Use ceiling fans to circulate air in the house, keeping the air mixed. Seal flues in unused fireplaces.
  • Conduct an “energy audit” of your home to evaluate your heating system's efficiency and determine where heat loss may be occurring. Many fuel dealers and utility providers offer these audits as a free service. You can also perform your own home energy audit on the Internet by going to the Department of Energy's Web site at and following the instructions found there.

Useful Links:

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