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Privacy Policy

I. General Statement of Privacy

API is committed to respecting your privacy.  This privacy policy describes the information we collect from you, and how we use, share and protect that information.

II. Information We Collect From You

A. Automatic Collection of Information

Our web servers automatically capture certain information from the devices and browsers that you use including, but not limited to, your IP address or mobile device identifier, the domain name of the web page from which you entered our site, the pages that you visit on our site, the click-through rates, and the amount of time that you spend here.

B. Information You Provide

If you request information from API or engage in similar activities on this website, you may be required to submit personal information to API. This information may include:

  • Name
  • Contact Information
  • Payment Information, such as when you sign up for a training or certification
  • Government-issued identifiers
  • Activity on the website and materials with which you interact when visiting our services.

If you choose not to provide the information that is requested by API, you may continue to visit the site, but you may be unable to access certain offers, services or secure pages.

C. Content You Provide

To the extent that the website provides any bulletin boards or other open forums, you understand and agree that API is not responsible for any information that you provide on these platforms and recognize that others may collect and use any information that you provide.

Some of the information you provide may be considered sensitive data under applicable laws.

III. How We Use Information

We use your information to respond to requests for information you may provide to us; to inform you about our services and relevant information in the industries we serve; to let you know about events; to send you relevant offers and information, which may include targeted advertising; to keep our services and users safe and secure; to comply with applicable laws and regulations; or for other purposes with your consent. 

IV. How We Share Information

API may share the categories of information listed above with the following categories of third parties:

  • Processors and Business Partners: Processors and other business partners that help us administer our services, process payments and help with your transactions, respond to inquiries, provide communications, perform analytics, and serve advertisements and content about API’s mission.
  • Law Enforcement: API also may provide personal information to law enforcement authorities or otherwise when API believes that this release of information is necessary: (1) to comply with legal requirements or comply with legal process; (2) to protect and defend the rights or property of API and its members and customers; or (3) to protect the other users of the site or the public.
  • As Part of a Corporate Transaction: If we make a sale or transfer of assets, or are otherwise involved in a merger or transfer, we may transfer your information to one or more third parties as part of that transaction.
  • With Your Consent: In addition to the sharing described in this privacy policy, we may share information about you with other third parties when you consent to such sharing.

V. Privacy with Respect to Minors

API does not knowingly collect or use information from children under the age of 16 without the consent of a parent or guardian, except as permitted by law.

VI. Cookies and “Do Not Track” Signals

Please be advised that we may place cookies on your device when you visit our website. Cookies are small text files that are designed to enhance your browsing experience by remembering your preferences and settings, ensuring you have the best and more personalized experience when interacting with our site.

We use a variety of cookies, including session cookies, which enable us to recognize your actions during a single browsing session and remain in your browser until you leave our site. Persistent cookies stay on your device for a set period as specified in the cookie, activating each time you revisit our site. They help us recognize you as a repeat visitor, allowing us to tailor content to your preferences and remember your previous choices. We also employ third-party cookies, set by domains other than our own, for analytical purposes to track and measure usage of our site, aiding in service improvement. These may also be used for advertising or presenting content that aligns with your interests.

Our website is not designed to respond to “do not track” signals from browsers. Your browser may tell you how to be notified when you receive certain types of cookies and how to restrict or disable certain cookies. Please be aware that if you choose not to enable cookies, some features of our websites may not function properly or be fully available to you.

We will honor opt-out requests submitted by users through the Global Privacy Control (“GPC”), which is a browser-based opt-out preference signal that can communicate your opt-out to the websites you visit. For more information on how the GPC works, visit their website here. You may override these choices on any of our sites by clicking on the Cookie Settings icon located in the bottom left of your web browser.

VII. Other Websites and Links

This website contains links to other websites and may provide integration with social media platforms. If you choose to use any of these links or this integration, you will be leaving the API website and going to a website that is not controlled by us. Protection of your privacy at these linked sites will be governed by the privacy policy at that site. You should take the time to read the privacy policies at these sites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of such sites or the use of any information that you provide.

VIII. Security

We use physical, technical and administrative measures to help protect your information against loss, theft and unauthorized use, disclosure or modification.  While we strive to protect the information we maintain, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information that you transmit to us since no method of data transmission or storage is 100% secure.

IX. Your Rights and Choices

Depending on where you reside, you may have certain rights regarding your personal data. Specifically, you may have the right to request:

  • Access to your personal data, including in a portable.
  • Deletion of your personal data.
  • Correction of your personal data.
  • To opt-out of processing for targeted advertising and sale of personal data.

If you would like to exercise these rights, you and your authorized agent may email or call (202) 682-8000. We may verify your request by asking you to provide information to confirm your identity. If you wish to contact us through an authorized agent, we may request evidence that the agent has valid written authority to submit requests to exercise rights on your behalf. If you would like to submit an appeal from a denial of a request to exercise these rights, you may do so by emailing

X. Email

It is your right to stop receiving email any time you choose and to only receive relevant and wanted email communications. You can unsubscribe from our email list at any time and for any reason by clicking on the unsubscribe list on any email you have received from us.

XI. European Visitors

Legal Grounds. We will process your personal data (1) with your consent; (2) to perform a contract between you and us, such as a request for information; (3) to comply with a legal obligation; or (4) where we have a legitimate interest to do so, including responding to your requests.

Retention. We will retain your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes for which it was collected and processed, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, regulatory, accounting or reporting requirements.  We generally retain data for three years, unless we have legitimate grounds to retain it for a longer period of time.  In some circumstances we may anonymize your personal data so that it can no longer be associated with you, in which case it is no longer personal data.  Upon expiration of the applicable retention period we will securely destroy your personal data in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

XII. International Users

The information you submit to us or that we obtain as a result of your use of our website may be collected in your country and subsequently transferred to the United States. U.S. law may offer different levels of protection for information than may be available in your country. By using this website, you consent to the collection, international transfer, storage, and processing of your information.

XIII. Changes to Policy

This policy may change over time. Your continued use of the site after these changes are posted constitutes your agreement to the changes with regard to information collected.

XIV. Contact Information

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or our practices, please contact us at (202) 682-8000 or

Effective Date: June 7, 2024

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