Shale Story: Eagle Ford (Texas)
Development of Texas’ Eagle Ford shale formation is producing natural gas, oil, thousands of jobs and millions in tax revenue.
Shale Story: Louisiana
Louisiana is home to an integral piece of the nation’s shale gas revolution. The Haynesville shale became the largest producing on-shore natural gas field in the U.S.
Shale Story - North Dakota
North Dakota is a model for development of the nation’s unconventional oil resources.
Shale Story: Ohio
Like so many states, Ohio was hit hard by the recession, but oil and gas development in the state’s portions of the Marcellus and Utica Shale formations promises a dramatic economic upswing.
Shale Story: Pennsylvania
The development of the Marcellus shale is providing a new energy boom to the Keystone state.
Shielding Ensures Safety
In the hydraulic fracturing process, there are about 10 inches of steel and concrete shielding. That's the shield protecting Mother Nature as rigs extract much-needed clean-burning natural gas from deep beneath shale formations from Pennsylvania to Texas.
Understanding Fracturing Fluid
To create productive natural gas wells, companies force fluids thousands of feet below the surface at high pressure to crack shale rock and release trapped natural gas. This extraction technique is called hydraulic fracturing. The fluid is made up almost entirely of water and sand.
Understanding Hydraulic Fracturing Wells
Oil and natural gas wells are constructed to provide a shield between energy production and the environment. To ensure safety, these wells are constructed with redundant layers of steel piping, called casing, that is cemented into place.
What is Natural Gas?
Natural gas is more complex than you might think. It's actually primarily composed of a mixture of four naturally occurring gases that have different molecular structures. These gasses are used for an amazing variety of purposes in our modern lives.