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Liquefied Natural Gas Exports

America’s Opportunity and Advantage

LNG, or liquefied natural gas, is a clear, odorless, noncorrosive, nontoxic liquid that is formed when natural gas is cooled to around -260 F. This shrinks the volume by about 600 times, making the resource easier to store and transport through marine shipments. LNG is not stored under pressure and is not explosive or flammable in its liquid state, and it cannot be released rapidly enough to cause overpressures associated with explosions.

LNG has been safely handled for several decades, with LNG vessels having made more than 100,000 voyages without major accidents or safety problems.

The LNG industry is highly regulated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, the Department of Transportation, the U.S. Coast Guard and the Department of Homeland Security, and other agencies to ensure that vessels, facilities and personnel provide and deliver safe operations and transport.

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Liquefied Natural Gas Exports | Charts

Created with Highcharts 4.0.4Chart context menuTcfU.S. Natural Gas Resources and Consumption2,2774,234111790ShaleConventional and Other ResourceLNG Exports and ConsumptionEIA AEO 2015 Total Gas ResourceICF 2015 Total Gas ResourceTotal Cumulative U.S. LNG Exports 2015-2040*Total Cumulative U.S. Consumption 2015-2040*050010001500200025003000350040004500*Source: EIA's 2016 Annual Energy Outlook Early Release June 2016.
Created with Highcharts 4.0.4LNG Demand 2015**LNG Demand 2040***Chart context menuBcfdThe World LNG Market177.86949.711.86.440.9World (Non-U.S.) ProposedU.S. Formally Proposed to DOEWorld (Non-U.S.) Capacity Under ConstructionU.S. Capacity Under ConstructionCurrent World Capacity Jan 2016*0050100150200*International Gas Union: 2016 World LNG Report Includes Sabine Pass Train 1(0.7Bcfd)**BP Statistical Review ***EIA International Outlook 2016
Created with Highcharts 4.0.4Chart context menuLNG Export Scenarios (Bcfd)BcfdProjected U.S. Domestic Demand, Production, Net Pipeline Imports and Increasing Levels of LNGExports6.411.818.822.3Domestic Gas DemandLNG ExportsU.S. Gas ProductionNet Pipeline Imports020406080100120Source: The Macroeconomic Impact of Increasing LNG Exports (Oct 2015). DOE-sponsored report - Rice University, Oxford Economics
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