API Monogram, API Repair and Remanufacture & APIQR: Contact
Worldwide Representatives
For information about API programs and services, we welcome you to contact our local offices or contracted representatives in the countries or regions included on the linked page. API operates from offices in Washington DC, Houston, Beijing, Dubai and Rio de Janeiro.
General Program Information
For general program information about Monogram, API Repair and Remanufacture ,API Quality Registrar, and current clients who have questions about their licenses, certifications, audit report reviews, and myCerts facility information.
Natural disasters such as hurricanes, tsunamis and earthquakes, or other devastating situations, such as threats of terrorism, malicious computer hacking, or geopolitical tension could potentially affect an organization's ability to function as normal. Please fill out the API Monogram/APIQR Contact Form if your organization is affected by a disaster that may have operational impacts on your business.
For customers who have questions about an API invoice for their application, audit or annual fees.
The American Petroleum Institute Guidelines for Requests for Clarification
A Request for Clarification (RFC) is a question submitted to the Monogram/API Repair and Remanufacture/APIQR Program on the meaning of a requirement in a Program document (e.g. Licensing or Registration agreement, Advisories, Annex A of API Q1, etc.).
- The request shall not be about an API Specification or Standard. Questions about Specifications or Standards can be submitted on the RFI portal.
- The request shall be composed so that “yes” or “no” would be a suitable reply.
- The request shall involve a single subject or closely related subjects.
- The request shall be stated in a condensed and precise question format.
- The request shall not be about an obsolete requirement no longer in effect.
- The request shall be stated in a manner that is broad enough so that it is relevant to a general public audience.
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RFC | Document No. | Requirement | Submitter Question |
19 | Document: Advisory 15 Rev/Date:August 14, 2024 |
When a Monogram Licensed organization defines and documents its scope, in accordance with API Q1, 10th edition clauses 4.1.1 and, the scope shall include, at a minimum, all products manufactured at the Licensed facility where the product is for use in the petroleum and natural gas industry. | Submitted question: Regarding documentation of the scope, specifically in relation to the term "all products" mentioned in advisory 15: is it acceptable to group similar products under broad categories? Our concern is whether the scope documentation must include a detailed list of every individual product manufactured or repaired at the facility, or if it is acceptable to group similar products under broad categories. For instance, if we perform threading on various types of subs (such as bit subs, x-over subs, saver subs, side entry subs, circulating subs, drilling bent subs, and float subs) and mills (such as junk mills, watermelon mills, and taper mills), can we categorize these under general terms like "subs" and "mills," or is it necessary to list each product individually? Yes |
10 | Document: Annex A Rev/Date:API Q1 10th Ed. Sep-2024 |
API Q1 10th Ed. Annex A. Clause A5 | Submitted question: Considering the Monogram effective date of API 5CT 11th edition is January 1, 2025, can products manufactured in accordance to the 10th edition be Monogrammed after the effective date if the order was placed before the effective date? As we approach the implementation of API 5CT 11th Edition, scheduled for January 2025, we would like to address our inquiry regarding “Annex A” from API Q1. No. If the Date of Manufacture is on or after the effective date of the new edition, the product can only be Monogrammed if it conforms to the new edition. Note: The Date of Manufacture is a term defined in the API Monogram Licensing Program Requirements document. |
9 | Document: API Q1 ANNEX A Rev/Date:API Q1 10 Edition |
A.5/c "Only an API Licensee shall apply the API Monogram and it designated license number to API monogrammable products" | Submitted question: We are a monogram licensee under API 7-1/Q1 to monogram Kelly Valves. API has published API 7V for Kelly Valves which states in the scope to supersede API 7-1 requirements for Kelly valves once published. Can we still monogram Kelly Valves under our current 7-1 designated license number? Monogram designated License number to API 7-1 Yes. When the organization continues to maintain a valid API 7-1 License for that product, the organization may Monogram the product if it meets the requirements of API 7-1. |
3 | Document: APIQR registration program requirements Rev/Date:revision 15 | FM-004 |
Part 1. No 7, Point b) | Submitted question: If a facility has the capability to manufacture various products (e.g. 10 different product) but the facility chooses to define the scope in the licensing agreement to 5 products only, could the API auditor still sample and review objective evidence from any of the products that the facility has the capability to manufacture (e.g. 10 products)? An APIQR registered organizations shall agree to implement and maintain, continually and throughout facility operations, all the management system elements that are specific to the applicable standards, even though they may exceed the requirements of other applicable registrations. this continual implementation will apply under a defined scope of activities for each individual facility. 1. Yes, if the organization’s QMS is per API Q1, 9th edition and the products are for use in the petroleum and natural gas industry. 2. Yes, if the organization’s QMS is per API Q1 10th edition, the facility has at least one Monogram license, and the products are for use in the petroleum and natural gas industry. Please review API Advisory 15. 3. No, if the organization’s QMS is per API Q1, 10th edition and the facility has no Monogram licenses. |